Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Wednesday, June 25, 2014 - Workout

3 Rounds -
- 100m Run
- 5 Wall Walks or HSPU
- 10 Medball Cleans

Week 1 Wendler - Bench Press

10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 -
- Goblet Squats
- Burpees
- Dips (Ring, Bar or Box)

Post workout results to comments.


  1. Ashley you are not my friend.

  2. Bench Press: 5@ 90#, 5@ 105#, 14@ 125#

    (830) Goblet Squats 44#, Bar Dips w/ green band 12:51 (dips were tough)

    Pull ups: 5 x 1 minute
    14, 16, 12, 13, 11

    Back squat: 10@ 125#, 8@ 145#, 6@ 165#, 4@185#, 2@ 205#

    5RFT: 10:31
    10 thrusters 75#
    10 Big Tire Flips

  3. Bench Press 5@55 5@65 8 @75
    Goblet Squats #35 and box dips
    finished at 22:?
    Burpees make me feel defeated. I wanted to stop at 5 then at 3 and 2 I did not want to get up off the ground. I wanted to give up. My whole body was shaking and I felt so defeated. I did not quit. Life lesson never let them keep you down. Keep going until you have finished. I don't like burpees or life lessons but I know I can not learn unless I try and can not win unless I finish.
