Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thursday, April 30, 2015-Day 18 of Spring Challenge

50 Double Under Attempts
3 rounds
-5 PVC pass throughs 
-7 push-ups
-9 inchworm squats

TABATA alternating
-jump squats

4 rounds for time:
-200m run
-10 push-ups
-15 BP ground to OH (35/25)
-20 OH walking lunges (35/25)

Post food and activity to comments

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Wednesday, April 29, 2015- Day 17 of Spring Challenge

I've been looking through food logs and I've noticed a few things I'd like you (and myself) to work on.  First, eating healthy does not mean not eating!!  Be sure you are getting enough food to support your level of activity.  There are tons of free apps to help you track that.  Second, don't eat empty calories.  I realize it's not always easy to say no to birthday cake, wedding cake, cookies, etc. but you will notice a huge difference by cutting those things from your diet.  Think about what your goals are for these 6 weeks and focus on what you want your end result to be!!  Keep up the good work!!

500m row
Then 3 rounds of:
-30 sec plank holds
-10 air squats
-30sec Sampson Stretch
-5 pull-ups

Sprint work
3x200m sprint
1@50%, 1@75% and 1@100%

AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
-5 pull-ups
-10 box jumps
-15 deadlifts (135/95)

Tuesday, April 28, 2015-Day 16 of Spring Challenge

With a small cold front, how about a chilli recipe??  I do diced tomato, venison and broth instead of coffee (who knows??).  But here's one that's similar:

Post food and activity logs to comments

Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday, April 27, 2015-Day 15 of Spring Challenge

3 rounds:
100m run
5 pull-ups
5 push-up negatives
5 slow squats focusing on form
5 PVC pass throughs

Front Squat (5-5-5+)

For time:
25m Burpee broad jump
50 DB push press
25m Burpee broad jump
50 air squats
25m Burpee broad jump
50 DB rows
25m Burpee broad jump
50 V-ups

Please post food and activity log in comments.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday, April 26, 2015-Day 14 of Spring Challenge

Video on kipping pull-up progression.

Post food and activity logs to comments

Friday, April 24, 2015

Saturday, April 25, 2013-Day 13 of Spring Challenge


3 rounds:
100m run
5 pull-ups
5 push-up negatives
5 slow squats focusing on form
5 PVC pass throughs

3x400m sprints
1 @100%

For time:
25m Burpee broad jump
50 DB push press
25m Burpee broad jump
50 air squats
25m Burpee broad jump
50 DB rows
25m Burpee broad jump
50 V-ups

Please post food and activity log in comments.

Friday, April 24, 2015- Day 12 of Spring Challenge

Please post food and activity to comments.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday, April 23, 2015- Day 11 of Spring Challenge

Do not forget about Saturday morning class at 8:30am

50 Double Under Attempts
3 rounds
-5 pull-ups
-7 push-ups
-9 inchworm squats

TABATA alternating
-mountain climbers
-hollow rocks

21-15-9 reps of
-Thrusters (95/65)
-box jumps (24/20)

Please post workout results and food log to comments

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wednesday, April 22, 2015-Day 10 of Spring Challenge

5x100m row trying to stop on exactly 100.  1 Burpee for each meter under and 1 pull-up for each meter over.
-15 sit-ups
-15 air squats
-15 shoulder taps

3 DB Manmakers EMOM for 8 minutes

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
-400m run
-15 KB deadlifts
-20 Alt KB Snatch
-25 KBS

Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday, April 20, 2015- Day 8 of Spring Challenge

- Light Jog
- Joint Mobility (hamstring warm-up)
- 2 Rounds: 10 jumping squats, 10 push-ups, 5 pull-ups, 10 lunges

Workout 4:
- partner Burpee broad jumps 

Workout 8:
With a partner and one MedBall per team complete the following:

- 100m MedBall Partner Toss (20/14)
- 100 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
- 100 MedBall Sit-Ups (20/14)
- 100 MedBall Box Jumps or Step-Ups (20/14
- 100m MedBall Partner Toss (20/14)

Only one person working at a time with the other resting and helping to count. Reps may be split up between the teammates however you'd like. 

We will scale the MedBall weight and movements as needed, but need to avoid scaling the numbers because of the way the challenge scoring works.

Post detailed workout results and food logs to comments. 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Sunday, April 19, 2015-Day 7 of Spring Challenge

Don't forget that you and your partner need to be at the same class tomorrow!!!

Ankle Mobility:

Post Activity and food logs to comments.

Saturday, April 18, 2015-Day 6 of Spring Challenge

Congratulations to Cathy for her 5th place finish in the festivus games and to Kale for finishing 6th!!  You both did great!!

Please post food log and daily activity below.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Friday, April 17, 2015- Day 5 of Spring Challenge

Like I explained last week, you are free to choose whatever eating plan you would like for the spring challenge.  The only requirement is that you post everything you eat or drink to the comments of the daily posts.

We highly recommend Whole9's guidelines.

Whether you decide to do a Whole30 or not, you should definitely stick to "Real" foods.  Stay away from stuff in packages.  Something along the lines of: lean animal proteins, lots of vegetables of as many different varieties as possible, little to no starches, a few nuts and seeds, and no sugar in any form, real or artificial.  If you stick with that you will see great improvements in the next month.  Whole9's Whole30 is a lot more strict than that, and includes absolutely no chewing gum, soy, legumes, dairy, sugar, real or artificial, etc...  If you do a Whole30 that is great and the benefits are incredible, but there is no such thing as a "Whole30 except for 'fill in the blank'".  You are either doing a Whole30 or you aren't.

Some good recipe sites that specialize in Whole30 compatible foods:

Whole9's Steal This Meal Series
The Clothes Make the Girl
Whole Life Eating
The Foodee Project (Whole30 Approved Link near the top)

I would highly recommend adding those to your favorites and checking them out from time to time.  Melissa Hartwig of Whole9 has a similar list of sites here:

Post your food logs and daily activity to comments.

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Saturday workout is cancelled so that you can go out to CrossFit Victorious and support Cathy and Kale in their first competition!!  We are so proud of them!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2015-Day 4 of Spring Challenge

I am so proud of each one of you!!  Yesterday's workout was tough and you worked hard and got it done!!!  We postponed the last day of challenge workouts to Monday because of weather.
- Light Jog
- Joint Mobility (hamstring warm-up)
- 2 Rounds: 10 shoulder taps, 10 air squats, 10 sit-ups

Group Warm-Up:
- 2 minutes of hamstring warm-up


For Time:
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
- Box Jumps
- Burpees

Post detailed workout results and food logs to comments. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wednesday, April 15, 2015-Day 3 of Spring Challenge

Don't forget that you need to be at the same class as your partner today and tomorrow. 

- Light Jog
- 40 Unbroken Double Unders, or 120 Singles
- Joint Mobility (especially wrists!!!!)
- 1 Round : 10 mountain climbers, 10 jumping squats, 10 dips

Workout 7:
 -800m for time

Workout 5:
- 6 minutes to find combined Front Squat 1RM with your partner

Workout 6:With your partner -
- 100 Double Unders or 300 Singles
- 50 Push-Ups while Partner Holds Plank
- 50 Deadlifts while Partner Holds Bar at Top of Deadlift (115/75)
- 50 Shoulder to Overhead while Partner Holds Bar in Front Rack (115/75)
- Finish with both Partners lunging 50m with their Bars in the Front Rack. (115/75)

On workout 6, both partners must count every rep out loud.  Any rep not counted out loud does not count.  You can only complete reps while your partner is in the hold position.  For the jump rope only one may be working at a time.

Post food logs and detailed workout results to comments.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday, April 14, 2015-Day 2 of Spring Challenge

Throughout the challenge, I will post recipes and articles to help you in your journey.  This recipe is courtesy of NomNom Paleo and is Whole30 approved.  Please post your food log and activity in the comments.

Madras Chicken Salad

Whole30 Day 16: Madras Chicken Salad by Michelle Tam
Whipping up some chicken salad? Don’t you dare make a bland-tasting version tossed with plain old mayonnaise. Instead, punch it up with smoky, aromatic curry powder, crisp apples, fresh herbs, and toasted almonds. With just a few pantry items, you can radically transform a ho-hum dish into an elegant and flavorful meal.
Whole30 Day 16: Madras Chicken Salad by Michelle Tam
Although this South Asian-inspired chicken salad is making its debut on my blog today, it’s been one of my favorites for years. In fact, this recipe first popped up in our iPad app almost three years ago, before making its second appearance in our cookbook. When I’ve had a long day, I just throw this salad together and serve it on a giant bed of organic lettuce mix. Hosting a party? Spoon it into cucumber cups or on endive spears for a fancy hors d’oeuvre. No one’ll guess how little time it took!
If you made an extra roast chicken like I told you to yesterday, your main ingredient’s all set to go. Of course, if you don’t have any cooked chicken on hand and decide to purchase a rotisserie chicken instead, don’t worry—I won’t tell anyone. Confession: in a pinch, I’ll pick up Whole Foods Market’s Classic Organic, Salt and Pepper, or Perfectly Plain rotisserie chickens (prioritized in that order). These birds are minimally seasoned (if at all); in fact, according to my buds at Whole Foods, they’re roasted at the top of a vertical rotisserie oven so that the non-Paleo seasonings on the birds at the bottom of the oven can’t drip on ’em. (Still, a word of caution for allergy sufferers: because the birds are cooked in the same oven, wheat and soy contamination is nonetheless possible.)
So grab your cooked chicken, your Paleo Mayonnaise, and the rest of the ingredients, and let’s do this!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Monday, April 13, 2015-Day 1 of Spring Challenge

Warm-Up:- Light Jog
- 35 UB Double Unders or 125 Singles
- Joint Mobility
- 1 Round of: 15 squats, 15 push-ups, 15 sit-ups, 15 lunges 

Challenge Workout 1:
- 3 Min Row for Meters

Anytime after you finish your warm-up jog ask Bethany or me to setup the rower for you and row for 3 minutes as fast as you can recording as many meters as possible. Make sure Bethany or I record your meters before you get off of the rower when you are through. Damper can be on the setting of your choice. 

Challenge Workout 2:
- 5 Minutes to find your 1RM Shoulder to Overhead

You must use the same movement at the end of the challenge that you do at the beginning.  For example, if you do a strict press at the beginning you must do a strict press for the final test out.  If you have a question about what movement you are doing just ask your coach and they will tell you.

Challenge Workout 3:
For Time -
- 500m Row
- 40 Squats (to MedBall)
- 30 Sit-Ups (touch ground behind and toes on top)
- 20 Push-Ups (hand release)
- 10 Pull-Ups (arms locked at bottom, chin over bar on top)

Pay close attention to the standards for each movement and make sure every rep counts. 

Post everything you eat or drink today along with detailed workout results. An example is posted below. 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Saturday, April 11, 2015-Workout

Coach led


Run a 100m sprint between each round

Friday, April 10, 2015


All workouts Monday are individual workouts. All team workouts will be on Wednesday and Thursday of this week, so make sure you are at the same class as your partner on those days. That also gives you a couple of extra days to find a partner if you haven't already.  We will do make ups on Saturday for any missed.  Entry fee is $100 per team and will be due by May 9th.  The entry fees will go into a pot that will be awarded to the top team(s) as well as an additional prize given by your coaches.


The scoring for the challenge will consist of the following parts:

- Percentage gain on each workout after 5 weeks

- Daily food log posting on the website. Random days will be scored. 

- Daily attendance to classes. Random days will be scored.

- Bonus points for having the best scores on the initial workouts this week (this is to keep people from gaming the workouts and to help give higher-level athletes a chance to compete in the challenge)

- Bonus points for random questions asked during class about things posted on the blog.
- Bonus points for daily activity posted to website.  Random days will be scored.

We highly recommend that all of you do a before picture so that you will have it at the end of the challenge for your own records/testimonial.  Bethany and I will have cameras with us this whole week if you would like us to take a picture of you.  I've seen others take the picture in something they wished they look good in and tape a copy of it to their fridge and mirror for the duration of the challenge for extra motivation...


I've had a few people ask what will keep people from going slower than possible on the workouts this week to give them a better chance of winning because they would have greater gains. That is kind of hard to police, but I will say that we expect everyone to do every workout as fast and as well as they possibly can this week.  We also expect everyone to have the integrity to be honest about that and allow the team that works the hardest, eats the cleanest, and makes the most gains win. 
Please post that you read this information about the challenge.  This will allow me to see that everyone sees the posts and that you are able to comment.  If you struggle on any day to post, you can e-mail food logs to


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thursday, April 9, 2015- Workout

300m run
2 rounds:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
Deep Squat Stretch


Crissfit's "Kelly"
5 Rounds for time:
-400m run
-30 Box jumps (24/20)
-30 Wallball Shots (20/14)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wednesday, April 8, 2015- Workout

500m row
5 rounds:
-10 shoulder taps
-10 air squats
-30 second Sampson stretch

Run 1 mile for time

-0-2:00: Max Front Squats in 2 Minutes (95/65)
-2:01-3:59: Rest
-4:00-10:00: AMRAP 6 Minutes
-6 Power Clean (95/65)
-6 Bar Over Burpees

Monday, April 6, 2015


We will start having Saturday morning class on a trial basis.  Like any class, we must have consistent attendance to continue it.  We will start THIS SATURDAY AT 8:30a.  We look forward to seeing you then!!!

Spring Challenge:
Our Spring Challenge will start Monday.  It will be a partner challenge so start working on who you'd like to pair with.  There will be several point opportunities based on initial workouts as well as progress.  Because of this, I would suggest pairing up a more experienced athlete with a person who will show lots of improvement.  There will be an entry fee that will go directly back to the winners (top two teams) please vote below whether you'd like $50 or $100 per team.  Obviously, the more the entry, the more the prize.

Monday, April 6, 2015- Workout

50 double under attempts
3 Rounds:
-100m run
-6 push-ups
-6 deck squats
-6 v-ups

Power Clean (5-3-1+)

AMRAP in 15 minutes:
-100m sandbag run
-3 SB get-ups
-6 SB squats
-9 SB sit-ups

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Thursday, April 2, 2015- Workout

300m run
2 rounds:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
Deep Squat Stretch

EMOM for 10 minutes 
-3 Front Squats increasing weight as needed

For time:
4 Rounds:
-400m run
-10 pull-ups
-15 medball cleans
-20 medball sit-ups

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wednesday, April 1, 2015-Workout

500m row
5 rounds:
-10 shoulder taps
-10 air squats
-30 second Sampson stretch

4 x 30 second handstand holds

1.  AMRAP in 5 minutes:
-5 Push Press (75/45)
-15 box jumps (20")

Rest 2 minutes

2.  Crossfit's Grace
For time:
30 Clean and Jerks (135/95)