Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tuesday, May 19, 2015- Day 37 of Spring Challenge

Post food and activity to comments


  1. Workout: fit camp with bridget (1000 reps... It was long and so hot out side!)

    Breakfast: 1/2 a shake
    Lunch: chicken and spinach salad
    Snack: Kellogg's protein bar
    Dinner: zucchini lasagna

    1 gallon of water, 1 spark... Wine (2-3 glasses... )

  2. Walk 2 miles

    B- none water
    L - 1 hotdog, pretzels , water
    D- 2 tacos , charro beans, water

  3. B- shake, banana and coffee
    L- grilled chicken and rice with sugar snap peas and water
    S- granola bar
    D- homemade pancakes and turkey bacon

  4. Kale Mosley

    Workout---50 push ups, 50 sit ups, 50 air squats

    B---protein bar, coffee
    L---plain humburger meat and ranch style beans
    D---2 chicken wraps, handful of corn chips
    S---protein bar

    Had water all day

    1. Also mowed my front yard. (a workout in its self, it was pretty much a jungle.)

  5. WOD-EMOM 3 man-makers then 21-15-9 of step ups, sit ups and thrusters 25# DB

    B-1/2 protein shake made with almond milk and a banana
    L-crispy chicken salad and a granola bar
    S-apple with peanut butter
    D-chicken spaghetti

    Water all day tea with dinner
